


We provide all company data from all over the world data and standardized so you can compare companies wherever they are in the world.

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We provide tools to make it easier for you to research and analyze according to your needs.

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Our team can develop customized and provide a suitable solution for your company

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Study and Research

We can help your study and research needs with our database, where we can compile reports according to your study and research objectives completely and accurately

A market analysis is a thorough assessment of a market within a specific industry. You will study the dynamics of your market, such as Value and volmue, competitons, buying patterns, potential customer segments, and other important factors.

Market analysis is a thorough assessment of a market within a specific industry and has many benefits, such as reducing risk for your business and better informing your business decisions.

We can assist you in analyzing the market that you want to research, with the Kartbes database we can easily collect data according to the analysis process you want, the data we present are Demographics and Segmentation, Target Market, Market Need, Competition, Barriers to Entry and Regulation.

Our Benchmarking Studies provide you with a detailed comparison of publicly available royalty rates, service fees and interest rates that helps you determine an arm’s length (market) remuneration range for your specific products, transaction types and services. You will be able to use this data to set reasonable rates and fees, Patent Box applications and Prepare transfer pricing documentation, value intellectual property, negotiate license agreements and more.

We will arrange your Benchmarking Study typically within a week of your request. Your Benchmarking Study reports include additional information on practices within your industry – such as the basis of rate calculations; terms of exclusivity ; prepayment terms; distribution of performed functions, risks assumed and assets used by the parties in the transaction; rights to enhancements; and extent and duration of legal protection.